Betty Cervenka Nursing Scholarship

Established in 2012 in memory of Betty Cervenka by her family. Betty served as an adjuct nursing faculty at Lander. Scholarship to be awarded to a South Carolina resident, preference given to a student who is a nursing student who is a mother, works outside the home, and goes to school who meets all the scholarship criteria. However, if a working mother is not eligible, the nursing faculty is to select a traditional or nontraditional student according to the additional criteria for the scholarship, dynamic, strong, committed nursing student, GPA 3.0 or greater, Student with an interest in Critical Care Nursing, Enterstomal/ Wound Care Nursing, or plans to attend graduate school in nursing. Scholarship may be given to a pre-licensure student admitted to the nursing program, an RN to BSN student, or a graduate MSN student.

up to $560